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Dear Ya Ching

I am terribly sorry about the weakening effect which the Herald story will have on the Ball. Naturally people are not much interested in supporting an "experiment."

Two or three times I repeated the request to the girl reporter that she use a headline to the effect that "China needs airplanes for medical." and so I hoped that we could help the cause that way. My picture we sent them earlier, since Miami has had no pictures of me in about fifteen years.

This type of slip-up in publicity could be avoided if we had substantial financial backing which could support an [[a]] trained fund raising organization and for publicity man. It looks as though we should not "experiment" further at the time with this type of plan-

Well, we'll hope and pray for better judgement as to how we should spend our energies after Friday.

Sleep well 🗸


Transcription Notes:
changed final paragraph from "better judgement as thou we should" to "better judgement as to how we should"