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Shanghai, Nov. 22nd 1937

The Chairman
Joint Committee of Shanghai Women's Organizations


Referring to our talk concerning the refugee problem the other day, we beg to present you a few ideas which may be of use in connection to the plans.

We are investigating carefully the approximate numbers of refugees in Shanghai--the nos. of camps(names and localities)--nos. of hospitals and patients in each. As the question in hand is such a large one, we dare not, only until after very careful study, to give you the details.

1. Would it not be practicable, to give light work to a number of the refugees, such as tailoring, making straw shoes, brooms and brushes and cheap articles of daily uses, thereby defraying some expenses of their upkeep. As an example, may I let you know from my (Miss Soh) past experience how we have helped them to do their bit. I furnished them with the necessary materials and implements, out of which I had the refugees helped to make 14,000 cotton vests for the soldiers in the short time of a week, and from the spares they made 14,000 pairs of shoes and 130,000 pairs of straw shoes. So it can be seen from what a little help we can give them, they can achieve quite something.

2. Would it not be a good idea to start a refugee