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hospital, with about two hundred beds, under the auspices of the Joint Women Committee? The hospital though small will serve as a standard, so that others may follow. Since each club will be contributing practical help, personal interest will be aroused and perhaps, out of this hospital other better units may be formed.

3. At our last meeting it was suggested to have two women, one foreign and one Chinese to serve on the Shanghai International Red Cross Committee, but it seems that there is also an International Relief Committee at present in Shanghai. Should we have these two also to represent us on this committee or to choose two other members?

4. Would it be appropriate to write officially in the name of the Joint Women Committee to the S.M.C. and the F.M.C. stating clearly the motive and policy of the work we hope to do, and request their cooperation and advice as to how we may be of assistance to them?

5. Finally in order to carry out these suggestions, it seems advisable that an immediate committee consisting of the chairman of every women club, to meet once a week to review the work done, and also to plan on what more that can be done.

Your kind attention to the above will be greatly appreciated, and hoping also to hear from you in the very near future.

Very sincerely Yours
Lola Lei-Hara
Lu Ya-Ching