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No. 1, Homantin Hill Road,
Kowloon, Hongkong.

September 6, 1938

Miss Anna May Wong,
Park Wilshire Apts.,
2424 Wilshire Blvd.,
Los Angeles, California.

Dearest Anna May:

I am really ashamed to have neglected to reply sooner to your very nice letter, but ever since the outbreak of hostilities I have been busily engaged in war relief work and I hardly realized that time flies so quickly. I, together with some friends, organized and operated the 24th branch Red Cross hospital in Shanghai during the fighting up there, but with the Japanese occupation of that city, I have had to come down to Hongkong.

You have always encouraged me to do something in the way of aviation and you have always given me such fine support that I am again taking up your good suggestion, this time for the cause of our county. I have been officially appointed by various official and relief organizations to come to the United States to make a tour for war relief. I am leaving Hongkong on the 29th of this month by the Pan-American Clipper and will arrive in San Francisco about a week later. From there I will fly down to Los Angeles to have a reunion with you.

I am sure that you will approve of my mission and I am counting on you to give me your valuable support and assistance to make my undertaking a success. Can you arrange for me to meet various people and to contact various organizations in your city? I shall be most happy if you can succeed in obtaining or borrowing a plane for me, as I intend to tour the various cities by plane which I will pilot myself.

Our dear friend, Helen Tsang, has left for Geneva on September 1 by the Aramis and she told us she will be coming to the United States soon. It will be a happy occasion when we all meet again in Los Angeles.

I want to thank you again for your very thoughtful letter and may I wish you greater success in your fine work. I enclose my warmest regards. 

Yours sincerely,