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Room 2329
195 Broadway New York City,

July 19, 1938

Dear Mr. Chen,

Thank you for your letter of June 16, stating that at the suggestion of Dr. H.H. Kung, president of the Executive Yuan of China, you are sending me a year's subscription to the PACIFIC DIGEST.

I have received under separate cover the January February, March and April and May issues. I expect to read these copies of the magazine with interest and shall look forward to receiving subsequent issues. Please express to Dr. Kung my personal appreciation of his requesting that the magazine be sent to me.

You ask me if some of my friends might be interested in the PACIFIC DIGEST. I would suggest that you send the magazine to my friend Dr. Calvin Galloway, in care of United States Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, I feel that Dr. Galloway would appreciate receiving the magazine from you.

Again thanking you, I am,

Yours very truly,

Robert E. Landman.


July 25, 1938

Dear Sir:
I am obliged to you for your letter of June 16th, in which you state that with the instruction of Dr. H.H. Kung you are sending me the PACIFIC DIGEST FOR this year.

I have read with interest the 5 issues already received and looked forward to reading the balance.

I am attaching a list of Bethlehem people to whom I suggest you send a specimen copy. I will add to this list later.

It is not necessary for me to tell you that sympathy in the U.S.A. is universally for China in her great struggle for independence. I travel a great deal and I find no sympathy for Japan's militarists. This must eventually take the form of definite help and I am sure it will.

Yours sincerely,

F. G. McMahon
