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30 August, 1938

My Dear Mr. Pin-ho:

Your letter of July 29th has been received, together with copies of the April, May and June issues of the PACIFIC DIGEST, directed to Chancellor Chase. There was, however, no copy for July, which I note you mentioned was also to have been included.

In behalf of Chancellor Chase I wish to acknowledge receipt of these publications and to thank you and Dr. T.V. Soong for your courtesy in sending them. Dr. Chase is away from the University at present and is not expected to return until late in the Fall, at which time your letter and the booklets will be brought to his attention.

Very truly yours,

Alice Jackson
Secretary to Chancellor Chase


Aug. 25, 1938

Dear Sir:

I received complimentary copies of the Pacific Digest and I find the magazine very interesting. Please  convey my thanks to Dr. T. V. Soong for sending these copies to me. 

It is needless to state that I am very much in sympathy with China and the difficulties which are now besetting her. The seven years I spent in central China north of Hankow gave me an appreciation of the Chinese peoples and their culture which will stay with me throughout life. I returned to America in 1927 and still consider some of my friends in southern Honan the best friends I have ever had. 

I wish you success in the undertaking you have before you.

         Sincerely yours,

CMG CK  Clemens M. Granskou


Colonial Office,
Downing St., S.W.l.,

Sept. 2, 1938

Dear Sir,

Mr. MacDonald desire me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22nd July and to thank you for the copies of your publication "The Pacific Digest" which you have forwarded to him. 

Mr. MacDonald appreciates you proposal to send him copies of the publication for a year, and he would suggest that they should be addressed to him at the Colonial Office.

Yours truly,

Private Secretary.