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For One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I hereby give the Gardner Advertising Company, its successors and assigns, its agents and employees, those acting under its permission or upon its authority, those by whom it is commissioned or for whom it is acting, the radio network and station sponsoring or broadcasting the program and every person connected with such program in any capacity the unqualified right and permission to use my name and impersonate me in a radio program to be broadcast over the Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. on or about February 16, 1839. 

I hereby waive the opportunity or right to inspect or approve the finished script or broadcast program in which my name is used and in which I am impersonated: and I hereby warrant and state that I am not limited, restricted, and excepted to the use of my name with any organization or person: and I do hereby release the said Gardner Advertising Company, its successors, assigns and customers, and such other persons, and each of them from any and all rights, claims, demands, actions or suits which I might or can have against it or them on account of the use, method of broadcasting or impersonating me. 

I hereby warrant that I am of full age and have every right to contract in my own name in the above regards and have read the above authorization and release and understand the contents thereof. 

Signed in the presence of:

It is understood and agreed that the signing of this release by the above is predicted upon agreement of the Gardner Advertising Company that Miss Lee appear in person on the "Inside Story" program in which her name is used, and that she be given opportunity for a brief appeal in behalf of the Chinese Red Cross. 

Kay Proctor
Acting for and in the interest of the Gardner Advertising Company of St. Louis, Mo.