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Hotel Du Pont
Wilmington, Del. 
January 8, 1937
Frank Greyson, 

Mr. Rene Seligmann, 
c/o Jacques Seligmann & Co. 
3 East 51st St.,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Ronee:

In answer to your fine letter of the other day, I want to apologize for my apparent neglect of you but I have been so busy over the holidays with so many small things that my life has not been my own. 

At last I have a breathing spell and am writing you at once lest you think I am "a hell of a guy". 

I expect to be in New York either next Tuesday or Wednesday and will telephone you on my arrival for I am most anxious to get together with you and talk things over. In my most recent talk with Mr. Taylor regarding the various pictures and prices which you had quoted him I find that he thinks comparatively the prices quoted are high. I have in my possession a letter from him which I want you to read when I see you and we can discuss the whole situation thoroughly. 

It has been my hope and ambition that we [[strikethrough]] can [[/strikethrough]] might get together on some pictures in order that we might make some mutual profit and progress, but unfortunately Mr. Taylor, as you know, is a very tough nut, and despite my intelligence and diplomatic handling he looks at the situation wholly with his eye on the dear old dollar mark. 

There is one other thing for which you have my deep gratitude and that is your kid hospitality to me during my recent visit to New York. It was most kind and courteous of you to put me up at your apartment and trust I have not worn out my welcome. My only regret is that I have not been able to place some business with you. 

While there is life there is hope and will talk it all over when I see you next week. The family join me in wishing you and yours a very happy and prosperous New Year. Believe me, 

Yours sincerely, 
/s/ Rod Edmiston