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own collection. In my case I will spare no efforts to see that portrait return in our country and will make the suggestion to the curators of Beauvais, Louvre and Versailles museums; I am a member of the council of "Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français" where I see these gentlemen nearly every month. In order to help me in that direction, it would be useful that 3 samples of a recent photograph should be in my possession. What about the price?

Personally I would not object to posess this portrait but there are many difficulties which you mention. I hope this Winter to make the point on that special subject of Caron's portraits with new documents, but I don't know when I shall have time to do so as I am working in siderurgy. I worked lately during 3 months upon one article which you will read in Burlington Magazine (special issue of March 1950 for the French Exhibition in LonDoN) and Gazette du Beaux Arts in N-Y asked me several times to write for them an important article. But I have been tired this year and actually in bed since 3 weeks with a bad influenza, so that you will esuse my writing.
Yours sincerely
M. Ehrman