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July 13th, 1956

My dear Mrs. Eissler:

Upon my return to town, where I remain only for a couple of days, I found your note of June 7th which was already acknowledged by my office on June 21st.

I am at a loss to understand your line for I never received your letter of February 10th, 1956.

The last news I had from you was your letter of March 7th, 1955 in answer to which I wrote to you as I had done previously that in spite of all my efforts, I had not succeeded in interesting either a collector or Museum in it.

In my previous correspondence, I even suggested that you should feel free to approach another dealer, requesting him to take delivery of the painting and try his chance.

In fact, in my letter of March 15th, 1955 - which was in answer to yours of March 7th, 1955 - I went so far as to call your attention to the wider market possibilities in Europe for such a painting.

I can only assure you that I have spared no efforts in trying to sell it, but I am sorry to say that no offer was ever made for your painting.

Yours very sincerely,

Germain Seligman

Madame Hortense Eissler,
8 Boulevard du Parc Impérial
Nice, A. M.