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March 11, 1977

Dear Rudi,

How lovely to hear from you, and from Senegal, such an out of the way place.

I did not know you as a globe-trotter, but is time to see as much as we can of all the hidden places on our earth. But, your postcard conveys further the good news that you are evidently in fine shape, to allow yourself such journeys which perforce must be quite tiring. It is ages since we have met and I hope that on one of these far-reaching trips, one of them will take you through the United States.

One of the reasons for our silence is that for the past three years my activities have been considerably reduced on account of my health. And this to such an extent that in the meantime we haven't been to Europe. Shall we be able to undertake this journey this year, I do not know yet, but I do hope it will be possible and at least it would get us nearer to you. We might then speak to each other over the telephone, unless you could join us in Paris, which would certainly be delightful. There is so much for us to talk about and I am most anxious to hear your views on some of these questions of considerable importance.

Ethlyne enjoyed much your niece's company, who was as charming as ever, I understand, and do convey to her our most cordial greetings.

Do let me hear from you and with kindest thoughts from us both, and renewed thanks for the lovely postcard,


Germain Seligman

Mr. Rudolph G. Ernst
43 Hirzbodenweg
Basel, Switzerland

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