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July 20, 1972 Dear Mr. Seligman: The following letters arrived this morning: DR. CUMMINGS, DETROIT July 17, 1972 Dear Mr. Seligman: I am extremely grateful to you for making it possible for me to view the very find and poetic portrait by MILLET now being considered by Mr. Duffy. Everything worked out perfectly. it is a fine and beautiful picture. This goes with my very kind regards, Yours sincerely, Frederick J. Cummings Assistant Director MAITRE FRANK [[underlined]]make note - [/underlined]] le 17 Juillet Cher Monsieur Cette affaire doit être évoquée pour mise en état de la procedure à l'audience du 3 novembre prochain à 13 heures de la 3e Chambre, 2e section du Tribunal. Je vous prie de croire, Cher Monsieur, à l'assurance de mes sentiments dévoués. The Frank letter is being acknowledged in the usual way, (copy attached). I spoke to Mrs. Parker about the Cummings letter; she requested me to send her a copy of it, and said that she would acknowledge it herself next week. So I am doing nothing about it except to send Mrs. Parker a copy of it. Hoping Mrs. Seligman and you are well, Julia Halson