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Herbert N. Bier PAINTINGS WORKS OF ART 2. STRATHEARN PLACE. HYDE PARK SQUARE. LONDON W.2. TELEPHONE: 01-723-0522 CABLES: RIEHART, LONDON, W.2 9th July 1972. Messrs. Jacques Seligmann & Co.Inc., 5 East 57th Street, New York, NY 10022, U.S.A. Dear Germain, I should like to thank you for your cable of the 5th July, your cable of the 7th July and your letter of the 5th July, enclosing your cheque for £1.08. As a matter of fact I did not realize that there was a receipted invoice left in the envelope with the photographs. I am very glad that i was able to obtain the Baur gouaches and the Gérome for you, there was very spirited bidding for the Baur. I have pleasure in enclosing my invoice. The drawings are with Chenue and should reach you soon. I left the frames on the Baur gouaches, as I think they are quite suitable. With regard to the Bonington, I just sent you a cable indicating that the watercolor is [[underlined]]very fine[/underlined]] and that it is in good condition and that the estimate is £2,500 to £3,500. I saw the drawing under class and by electric light and should you be interested I shall of course have another close look once it is exhibited. The frame bears the Aqnew number 11050 and also a Christie number of 1944. We very much enjoyed Ethlyne's and your visit and hope you will have a very good summer. With best regards, also from Lieselutte, Your Herbert