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July 17. 1972

Dear Mr. Seligman;

Enclosed are the copies of the letters I have written this morning. Mrs. Parker dictated the one to Miss Lang of the Ottawa Museum and the one to Fratelli Fabbri. I am also sending Mrs. Parker copies. 

Mrs. Cooney has asked me to write that Mr. Grossman has returned, and that the binding materials will be sent out tomorrow.

Charlie, the elevator man, is leaving; my impression is that he has been fired. He spoke to Mr. Porjes, not to me. 

The color transparency of your drawing, MAITRE DE FLORE, "Procris et Cephale" arrived without any letter, and I am sending it on to Ottawa, registered. It looks like an acceptable transparency/

Mrs. Porjes seems to have recovered from her illness. 

Here are the transcripts of the letters received:
July 12th, 1972
We beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter and pattern tie, which we are returning herewith, but regret that this particular material is now unobtainable and we have nothing closely resembling available. 
Regretting our inability to meet your wishes on this occasion,
We are, Sir, your obedient servants, 

[[note]] "?" [[/note]]
July 11, 1972
Cher Monsieur,
Votre letter du 5 Juin m'est bien parvenue. Il nous faut maintenant attendre le cap des vacances judiciaries et le rentree du mois de Septembre, voire le mois d'octobre, pour connaitre l'evolution de cette affaire sur le plan de la procedure et sur le sort des dates d'audiences susceptibles d'etre fixees. Je ne manqueral pas, bien entendu, de vous tenir fidelement informe. Je vous prie de croire, Cher Monsieur, a l'assurance de mes sentiments les meilleurs et tout devoues. 

Hoping you and Mrs. Seligman are having good weather,
Julia Halpern

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-26 14:22:41