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August 23, 1972

Dear Mr. Rosenberg:

It is only now, forwarded from New York, that Mr. Withrow's letter has reached us here in California and I cannot tell you enough how truly disappointed Mrs. Seligman and I are not to be able to join you on September 1st.

Not only shall we miss much the opportunity of seeing you in Toronto, though we hope you will be able to drop in on us in New York, but regret exceedingly not being able to attend the opening of the exhibition which you labored to organize and which I feel is certain is and will be a great success.

By the same mail I received your letter of August 2nd from Paris about the Peyron-Perrin to which I shall reply more fully when I am back in New York after September 5th (that is, after the Labor Day holiday).

Meanwhile, with all good wishes and renewed regrets, most cordially yours,

                  Germain Seligman

Pierre Rosenberg, esq.
c/o Art Gallery of Ontario
Grange Park
Toronto 133, Canada