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No. 15. Fill colling system if temperature is below freezing. 


No. 16. Examino tanks trap piping and all connections for loaks
No. 17. Drain water trap
No. 18. Fill gasolino tank oil systom
No. 19. Drain systom by taking out plug.
No. 20. Remove rear pump cover plate which will roloase oil pump scroen.
No. 21. Clean screen thoroughly with brush and gasolino.
No. 22. Replace screon and cover plato using new gasket.
No. 23. Examino resorvoir coolor and all piping and connections for loaks
No. 24. Oil thrust bearing.
No. 25. Replace all hoso connections oither for water oil or gasoline which show any signs of dotorioration.


No. 26. Examino all eloctrical connections at gonerator regulator switch battery and distributor to seo that they are clean and tight.
No. 27. Examino all wiring to see that insulation has not become abradod.
No. 28. Clean Distributors Drivo.
No. 29. Oil generator and tachometer.
No. 30. Examino plugs fer cracked or loose porcelains. This should preforably bo done immodiately aftor the engino is stoppod and while the plugs are still hot.
No. 31. Check contact breakor cloaranco and examino contact points.
No. 32. Check timing of ignition and synchronization of distributors. Caution - Leave the ignition switches and the gasolino shut off cock in the OFF position