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January 5, 1905.

Dr. Nicolas Leon,
Museo Nacional,
Mexico City, Mexico.

My dear Dr. Leon:-

I have just returned from my explorations in the Southwest and find that the copy of the "Villagrá" was held for me at the Museum. I wish to thank you again for your great kindness in placing this wonderful account of the early days of New Mexico in my hands.

I have in print an article concerning the throwing-sticks, or atlatls in the Southwestern part of the United States, and it will give me great pleasure to send you a separate of same as soon as it comes from the press.

Before returning from my Southwestern work, I ran down to Mexico City hoping to have the pleasure of seeing you, and of studying the wonderful objects that you have in your private room. I was greatly disappointed when I found that you had gone to Paebla as I wished to confer with you concerning the possible purchase of some of the Museum Reports, which I greatly need in my work. I trust that you will bear me in mind whenever anything is published for distribution, as my interest in Mexican work has increased to a very great extent since I have taken up a comparison of Southwestern culture