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Mrs. Zelia Nuttall,

of Micheacan, and hope to have the result of my investigations on paper within a month or two. I am very sorry that I missed you while in Mexico as there were a great many phases of the work that I wished to talk over with you. The intercourse between the Tarascans and the people of the Southwestern part of the United States seems to be a well established fact, and I am therefore, greatly interested in the remains of this interesting tribe.

Allow me to thank you for your separate from the Anthropologist, entitled, "The Periodical Adjustment of the Ancient Mexican Calendar". I am becoming more and more interested in the Mexican work as I feel that we must look to that Country for the answers to many of the problems presented by our Southwestern peoples.

Hoping that I may be fortunate enough to visit Mexico again during the coming season, and trusting that I may have the pleasure of seeing you should such anticipations become realities, I beg to remain,

Very sincerely yours,
