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U.S. Registered Mails go to every post office in the world.
Provide for safe transit and correct delivery.
Letters and parcels may be registered at any post office or at any post office station.
Letters will be registered by letter-carriers in the residential districts of cities. Letters and parcels will be registered by rural carriers throughout their routes.
For letters and parcels delivered through a U.S. post office, the sender, without request and without charge, receives the addressee's acknowledgement, and when delivered through a post office of a foreign country, if the words "Receipt Demanded" be indorsed on the address side of the letter or parcel.

U.S.P.O. Registry Receipt

Parcel} No. 1776 P.O. New York, N.Y. W
Received for registration Feb 2 1905 190, from
Mrs. [[?]]
addressed to  Jas Cobbs
Aralzingan Mexico
class postage prepaid. Postmaster, per W