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B. Talbot B. Hyde
80 West Street

New York, March 28th, 1905 .

Mr. Geo. H. Pepper,
Washington, D.C.

My dear Pepper:- 
I am returned to town again and Geo. G. telephoned me your letter to him of yesterday. Give those eyes a good rest; if necessary, I would take off a half day and simply rest them in a somewhat darkened room. You will gain considerable by this in the end, as they have apparently had no rest from the time you left here.
Everything is going along quietly. We have had a couple of seances at the Museum, last Thursday and yesterday, not that we accomplished such a tremendous amount, but managed to let some sunlight into the workroom, where it had not been for a while before. I think one or two people at the Museum were a little surprised to see me digging in, and probably wondered just what results we expected to get. We have done about all we can now until you return, as Heye expects to take a trolly ride in Pennsylvania, not returning before Friday noon.
I suppose you will be back about the middle of next week, and apparently from your letter, have some things to be told about the conditions at Peabody. I hope the good people there are all very well, and know they of course took the best