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September 6, 2905.

Mr. J.L. Hubbell, Ganado, 
My dear Mr. Hubbell:-

Since writing you last I have been out of town the greater part of the time. When your letter reaches me, that is the one in which you stated that you were sending the looms, I was just about to start on a trip through the West and Northwest. I went to Kansas City, Denver, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Portland, Olympia, Seattle, Victoria, and Browning, Montana, stopping at the last named place to see one of the Blackfeet dances. During my absence the looms arrived. I have been overwhelmed with work since reaching the Museum and have finally reached your bill.
You have been so kind and have looked after the preparation of the material in such a conscientious way that I feel like aplogising most earnestly for not being able to attend to the payment sooner. The looms are exactly what I wanted and you have carried out the specifications to the letter. Rush of other work has made it impossible to examine them as I should wish to but from what I have seen they will fill the bill mostly [[strikethrough]] to the letter [[/strikethrough]] . Now that I am beginning to see my way clear I hope to take up the preparation of the sets for the educational work for which they were made. I trust that this may be done so that the teachers can have them by the middle of October.