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September 6, 1905.

Mrs. C. D. Pickering,
174 West 55th Street, 
New York City, N.Y.
Dear Madam:-

I have had the pleasure of examining a pottery jir from Arkansas which, I believe, belongs to you. 
Professor Saville and Mr. Smith states that you thought of addressing Mr. Heye concerning the purchase of this specimen. I have seen Mr. Heye and described the jar and he requested that I should write you and make an offer of $17.50 for it. He said that he felt that it was worth more than fifteen dollars but that he did not care to go as high as twenty: I suggested that he make the intermediate offer as here stated. 
I hope that you may care to accept this amount as the jar will then find a home in a collection where it will be fully appreciated.
In replying kindly address the undersigned, care of the Museum. Thanking you in advance for your kindness,
I am, Respectfully yours,
Geo. H. Pepper. 

Transcription Notes:
Misspelled transcription because its misspelled in the document