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Hatch and Brittin, INC.                            
Manufactures's Representatives And General Sales Agents
Charles Steinhauser, Pres.
L. H. Brittin, Sec.- Treas.
Telephone, 5228 Gramercy
1101 Flatiron Building.
New York. Sept. 8, 1905.

Mr. Geo. H. Pepper,
C/o American Museum, City.

My dear Pep:-
In explanation of your inquiry of Sept. 8th, I wish to state that on the day that letter was written, I was called out of town, and requested my private secretary to embody my request in a letter and send it forward to same time.
I have been in the habit of reaching the office early in the morning and not leaving it until eight or nine at night, and this has been my custom for sometime, as I am running the Hatch & Brittin business, and the Penn Yan Paper business alone, to say nothing of my work at the Sugar Refinery.
All of this will show you that I am extremely busy with work piling up faster that I can handle it. I thought that I knew you and Bandelier well enough to let the fact be self-evident, but I see that the motive was misunderstood.
I shall take pains in the future to let all communications with the learned fraternity of the American Museum of National History be couched in the proper terms and presented in the proper way. 

Transcription Notes:
having edited several letters, I see that the headers are transcribed in several formats...some by the line, some grouping the addresses in a practical and logical way. What is the correct way?