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September 8, 1905
Mr. Howard Clarke,
87 Lathrop Street,
Beverly, Mass.
My dear Clarke:- I have been tied up to some extent since receiving your letter and have been unable to attend to it sooner. Have been spending quite a bit of time at home working on some educational material and my Museum correspondence has, therefore, suffered.
Am sending you, enclosed, a money order for $35.00 that being the amount of the three blankets. That is:- one saddle at $12.00, half squaw dress at $8.00, and a Saltillo at $15.00.
I hope that this delay has not inconvenienced you and that you will have a very pleasant visit in Mass. May I not hope to see you again when you pass through New York on your way West?
Wishing you success in disposing of the balance of the material, I am,
Sincerely Yours
Geo. H. Pepper