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QUEBEC 1906.

Patron: His Excellency, the Earl of Grey, G. C. M. G.,
Governor General of Canada.

Honorary President: His Honour, Sir L.-A. Jetté,
Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec.

Quebec, 26th May 1905.


In conformity with the decision of the INternational Congress of Americanists at its 14th session, held at Stuttgart in August 1904, that the next meeting should take place in the city of Quebec and that the committee of organization should be Messrs. Robert Bell, David Boyle and J. C. K. Laflamme, we have the honour to inform you that the 15th International Congress of Americanists will meet at Quebec, from Monday the 10th to Saturday the 15th September 1906.
We beg leave to invite you to take an active part in the proceedings of the Congress and to kindly honour it by your presence. 
The committee desires to receive subscriptions and all communications at the earliest date so that a detailed programme may be prepared and sent out as soon as possible.
With thanks in anticipation for your kind and efficient co-operation, we are,
Very respectfully yours,

Robert Bell
President of the Committee of Organization.

N. E. Dionne
General Secretary of the Committee of Organization.