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General Programme

The work of Congress will have reference to:
a) The native races of America, their origin, geographical distribution, history, physical and mental characteristics, languages, civilization, mythology, religions and habits.
b) The indigenous monuments and the archeology of America.
c) The history of the discovery and European occupancy of the New World.
It is requested that the accompanying form, to be addressed to the General Secretary of the Committee of Organization, be adhered to.
Dr. N. E. Dionne.
Librarian, Legislative Assembly,
Quebec, Canada.

The membership fee is 3 Dollars (15 francs, 12 marks). Members shall be entitled to vote in the deliberations of Congress, to take parts in its proceedings and to receive its publications free.
Other persons intending to be present may become Associate Members of the Congress by paying a fee of 1 Dollar (55 francs, 4 marks). Such persons may take part in the general proceedings of the Congress, but shall not be entitled to vote, nor to receive the publications free.
Fees are payable in cash, by Post-Office Money Orders or by Cheques negotiable at Quebec, to the order of the Treasurer of the Committee of Organization.
M. Alphonse Gagnon,
Legislative Building,
Quebec, Canada.

Cards for Members of Associate Members will be sent immediately upon receipt of fees.
Following previous usage, the accepted languages shall be French, English, German, Spanish and Italian.
[[bold]] Communications [[/bold]], which may be oral or written, shall not exceed 20 minutes, unless exceptions be granted for subjects of general importance. Discussions shall not exceed 5 minutes. All the memoirs, subject to the approval of the Publication Committee, shall be published in the Transactions of the Congress.
Members of the Congress are requested to send the titles of their papers as soon as possible to the General Secretary of the Committee Organization. The author of each communication should send before the 1st of July 1906 a résumé of his paper intended to be printed in the daily bulletin of the Congress.
All correspondence should be addressed to the General Secretary.
The meetings of the Congress will take place in the Legislative building. The members of different sections will be offered facilities of holding simultaneous meetings in several rooms and a good projection lantern will be at their disposal for illustrating their papers.
All details pertaining to receptions, entertainments and excursions will be given in a later announcement. It is probable, however, that after the close of the sessions of Congress, an excursion to Lake St. John, including a visit to a camp of Montagnais Indians of the region, will be organized. Excursions in the neighborhood of Quebec will be made during the week of the Congress.

Committee of Organization
Dr. Robert Bell, Director of the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa.
Mgr. J. C. K. Laflamme, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Laval University, Quebec.
Hon. R. A. Pyne, Minister of Education of the Province of Ontario, Toronto.
Dr. D. Boyle, Department of Education, Toronto.
General Secretary:
Dr. N. E. Dionne, Librarian, Legislative Assembly.
Mr. Alp. Gagnon, Department of Public Works, Quebec.

In arranging the preliminary programme, the Committee will adhere to the following rules:
1. Papers will be listed on receipt of title.
2. Papers will not be assigned a place on the preliminary daily programme unless an abstract has been received, as required by the rules and regulations of the Congress.
3. Papers to be read will be arranged according to subject-matter, in a number of divisions corresponding to those of the general programme; and papers belonging to the same division will be presented, so far as feasible, on the same day.
4. Papers in each division will take precedence in the order of the receipt of abstracts.
4. Authors who intend to submit more than one paper to the Congress are requested to designate the paper they desire to read first. The rest of their papers will be placed at the end of the preliminary programme of the respective divisions.
In order to insure the prompt publication of the Proceedings of the Congress, the Committee recommend to the Congress to set the latest date for the receipt of completed manuscripts and of notes of discussions, Oct. 1, 1906.