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[top text box] H. STADTHAGEN, THE INDIAN TRADER, HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED FOURTEEN YEARS IN VICTORIA, B.C., WHERE HE CARRIES THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF INDIAN GOODS OF ANY CURIO STORE IN EXISTENCE. [2ND TEXT BOX] I CARRY ALWAYS ABOUT 5,000 BASKETS OF ALL TRIBES, OLD AND NEW, IN STOCK; ALSO A LARGE COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE INDIAN CURIOS. [3RD TEXT BOX] I HAVE THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF THE SLATE DISHES, TOTEMPOLES, PIPES, ALL HANDIWORK OF THE HAIDAH INDIANS, B.C. LARGE COLLECTION OF HAIDAH SILVERWORK, SPOONS, BRACELETS, ETC., ALL HAMMERED OUT OF COIN. [4TH TEXT BOX] TAKE NOTICE THAT ALL MAIL ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED WITH MONEY ORDERS. NO GOODS SENT OTHERWISE. I HAVE THE ONLY STORE IN VICTORIA WHICH SELLS NOTHING BUT INDIAN BASKETS AND INDIAN CURIOS, AND ANTIQUE BRASS AND PEWTER GOODS. I SOLD IN THE YEAR 1904 OVER FIFTEEN THOUSAND BASKETS, BESIDES A HOST OF CURIOS. [EXERPT FROM VICTROLA DAILY COLONIST] FROM VICTROLA DAILY COLONIST DECEMBER 14TH, 1904. Royal Visitors, -- Their Highnesses the Prince and Princess Colloredo-Mannsfield, who, with their party, are sojourning at the Dallas, yesterday afternoon paid a visit to the curio store of H. Stadhagen, the Indian trader, at 79 Johnson street. Their Highnesses, after viewing the different articles displayed, expressed their highest admiration for the skill and artistic taste of the British Columbia and Alaska Indians in the manufacture of baskets and other work. Her Highness made many purchases, both in baskets and other choice and rare curios, from Mr. Stadthagen. This is the second royal party to which the Indian trader has had the pleasure of catering to inside of two years; as may be remembered, the Princess of Wales while here purchased a very fine collection of different Indian curios at this same store. [[image of curio store]]