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518 [[far left]] [[image--right-facing profile of native man in headdress]] CHIEF TJA-YO-NI [[to right of that]] J.L.HUBBELL INDIAN TRADER [[over image--with blanket, arrow with feather, robe, beaded necklace with cross, outfit, bow]] [[image--photo of building with horse and two men in front]] GANADO TRADING POST [[to right of that]] DEALER IN NAVAJO>> BLANKETS> OLD STYLE WEAVINGS AND PATTERNS>> A SPECIALTY>>> SILVERWARE, BASKETS AND CURIOS [[to right of that]] [[image-photo of right-facing seated woman in front of opening, objects around her, with hand-drawn rug border around the picture]] NAVAJO SQUAW BLANKET WEAVER Shipping Point, Gallup, N. M. GANADO, ARIZ., APACHE CO. Products of the Moqui Indians sold through Ganado Store Sept 12/1905 Geo H. Pepper Esq. New York. Dear sir, I rec'd your very kind letter and was glad to hear that your work is progressing. I received the cards O.K. and thank you very much, but you have sent no bill for the printing. I am writing this short letter and hope that you will let us hear from you. I will write soon again and let you know about the Women's Shell. Kammy has it for sale. I offered the set of [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] shells &c for $500.00. I can let them know that they can let you have the same to photograph whenever you desire it. Yours Respy, J.L.Hubble answrd. 9-21-05
Transcription Notes:
a few words unclear