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September 13, 1905.

Mr dear Doctor Prudden:- 
I am sending you under separate cover a reprint of my Anthropologist article on the ceremonial material found in one of the rooms in Bonito. The colored plate makes the article rather interesting as showing the high degree of culture that we found in the Chaco, If you can use a few of these you are welcome to them at any time. We have a goodly number struck off and are using them in an endeavor to increase our subscription list. I have approached two men with them and have been able to add their names to our list. We want a hundred new members or subscribers to the Anthropologist this winter, if such a thing is possible.

Has Mr. Goulding sold his jar? If not can you let me know his lowest cash price for it. We cannot buy it for the Museum but a friend may care to add it to his collection.

Hoping to have the pleasure of seeing you soon, I am,

Sincerely yours,
Geo. H. Pepper.