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September 13, 1905
Mrs. Zelia Nuttall,
Casa Alvarado,
Coyoacan, Mexico.

My dear Mrs. Nuttall;-

I have been in the City but a short time and have, therefore, been unable to do anything regarding your copy of Maudsley's work. I have approached several friends and one of them thought seriously of buying it. He has had to let the matter drop for the present but there is still a chance of his buying it. I am sorry that I cannot tell you anything definite about it, but it is, as you of course realize, a work that only a specialist could afford. I have been tempted to add it to my little reference library but there are so many other books that I must have and the amount is so great for a single work that it is, I fear, far beyond my reach, at least for the present.

I am rending you, under separate cover, a copy of my article from the Anthropologist. The color plate us our first but I hope that we can use such plates from time to time in the future.
Sincerely yours