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C.H. Dye
Attorney At Law
Next To Oregon City Bank
Oregon City, Oregon, September 19, 1905.

Mr. Geo. H. Pepper, 
New York City, N.Y.
Dear Sir:- Your letter of recent date at hand. I mail you today under separate cover some photographs of a portion of the collection that Mr. Stevens had taken some time ago. They are poor, but will give to an experienced person an idea of what he has, though it gives no idea of the color of the specimens. I also inclose a printed clipping which gives you some interesting notes that were written by some one who had made a personal examination of the relics. Is there not some one in this vicinity with whom you are acquainted that you could send to examine the collection? Will you please return the photos as soon as you are through with them, as they are all we have at present and the specimens are packed away so that I am unable in Mr. Steven's present state of health to have them properly displayed for photographs? I hope the things sent may be of material service in giving you a clear idea of the character and magnitude of our collection. I think I said in my letter there were about 6000 specimens and about 5000 of these were choice arrowheads. Please anser and let me know what further you will need.
Yours Truly 
C.H. Dye

Sent Photos to Hayes