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September 21, 1905
Mr. J. L. Hubbell,
Canado, Arizona.
My dear Mr. Hubbell:- 
Your kind letter of the 12h. inst. with the receipted bills has just been read. I was glad to hear that the cards reached you in good condition and I hope that they have proved to be something that you could use to advantage. There will be no bill for the printing, I can assure you, and now that I am to be in the Museum for a time I can get around to the blanket photos and thereby fulfill my promise concerning the envelope-enclosed prints.
I am sending you under separate cover two turquoise pendants that were out for me from a piece of matrix. I do not know how they will strike the Indians but you can use them in any way you may care to. I hope that you can find a pair of mens leggins for me some time during the fall or early winter also an old saddle. These two objects are about all that I need to round out my Navajo collection; that is of the ordinary articles. I can not afford to pay a fancy price for those things but will leave the matter of cost to your good judgement. Hoping to hear from you whenever you can find it convenient.
I am, Sincerely yours, George Pepper

Transcription Notes:
Can't tell word before Arizona