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September 25, 1905
Mr. John H Cobbs,
State of Michoacan, Mexico.
Mr dear Mr. Cobbs:-
I have been through the "Wild and Wooly West" since writing you last and am now endeavoring to do half a dozen, nay, several hundred things at once. I am putting out some of my notes on Pueblo Bonito and am sending you, under separate cover, two of my latest monographs.
While in the West I had a letter from Dr. Bauer, who had the handling of the specimens in Mexico City, in which he stated that a new law had been passed which necessitated the thorough searching of all boxes and packages exported from Mexico. The new law concerned the exportation of gold bullion, I believe, and its enforcement cost the doctor quite a bunch of old material that he wanted to send to some place in the states. The outcome of the whole matter has been the means of holding up all of my material; both the finds from Michoacan and also the little collection that I bought from Bauer. In view of the present conditions I think that I will be best to give up the endeavor to purchase the collection in Uruapan as it might be impossible to land in the U.S.