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October 15, 1905.

My dear Mr. Willoughby:-
Have just read your letter and am delighted to hear that you have the reports of the A.A.A.S. ready for shipment. I have moved my books to my home and was just in the midst of the work of arranging them when Mrs. Pepper presented me with two little girls. They are nearly two weeks old now and are as strong and lively as one could desire. Mrs. Pepper is getting on slowly but surely and I hope that she can be about in the course of another week.

I had started to weed out my duplicates when the great event occurred and it will now be some little time before I can possibly complete my work. I will however, send you a list of the books that I have set aside and can let you have another list later. You can send the box to me, addressing it to 119 North 9th. Street, Newark, N.J. that will save me the trouble of re-shipping it from the Museum. Let me thank you for your kindness in getting these volumes together for me. 

By the way! Mr. Heye is getting his little museum in shape and I hope to have the pleasure of taking you there the next time you come to the city, it will be a surprise to you. How soon can you get at the material that you decided could be shared for Mr. Heye? 

Hope that you can do it soon. With kindest regards to Mrs. Willoughby, from both Mrs. Pepper and self, I am, 
Sincerely yours, 
Geo. H. Pepper