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October 18, 1905.

Mr. Frank Leib,
Salt Lake City,

My dear Mr. Leib:-
Did you think that I had forgotten you again? Oh no, it is simply the effect of the strenuous life preceding as well as following the greatest event in a mans life. Mrs. Pepper presented me with two little girls a few weeks ago and my Museum work has been somewhat unsettled ever since. Mother and little ones are doing well and I am as happy as a boy with a new toy.
I am sending you under separate cover a bunch of my reprints. As your address is in a note book at home I have addressed the package to you with the words "Curio Dealer" Salt Lake City, Utah, therefore, should it fail to reach you the day following the receipt of this letter it might be well to inquire at the Post Office. I might have waited and looked up the book with your address but, being that all is somewhat upset at home I thought it better to take time by the forelook and send the material off at once.
Hope that you are getting on in good shape in your business. Let me know if you get hold of that Cliff material.
With kindest regards to Mrs. Leib,I am,
Sincerely yours,