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besides. I think we would have better luck in the work. I am living on the East side of The San Antonio River. some 3 kilometers nearer Apalznigan. and only a few hundred miles from our excavation.

If you remember, some time in March or April. I wrote you about an old indian village side near the "Rio Grande" (Michoueau). Since then I have met a haciendado from the near neighborhood. who is interested in such things and who has done quite a bit of excavating on his own account. I am sure some of the mounds here have good material for his work is not more than half a days ride further south. He has in his collection some of the most 'ornate' pipes I ever saw and a splendid stone battle ax. I know, of course that my experience is very limited, but I am sure that the things are fine.

The "monographes" you sent, came safely to hand & were read with much interest. However, I had to look up the word "monograph" as it was not in my vocabulary. Your articles remind me that I have on hand an article on the fiesta at San Juan de las Colehas. The article is very crude, but the material for a good article is "all there". What do you think of my sending it to the N.Y. Time or some other paper & or would you let me send the article to you to read over first.

I am going to send you a rifle in Dec. in place of the one you left here.