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[[strikethrough]] Calle Del Espiritu Santo 7. [[/strikethrough]] 
Mexico D.F.

Mexico, [[blank line]] de 190

previous inspection & that they were in danger, to be confiscated. Since then, and this may explain to you why I did not answer sooner, I made every effort I could to save your water vial and I am glad to say that now they are in safety. It was only because I know personally the Minister of Public Institutions & Arts that I could get out your material from the R.R. Depot and return it here. This is the state of things till now. 

I understand that it would only be possible to forward your material by mailing it with goods of other character. Now, buying for this purpose f.i. modern pottery it would come out very expensive for you or the persons who are interested in this matter. I would therefore suggest another combination. If I could send an ethnological collection to your Museum, for instance of the Mazateca Indians which I have visited three years ago, it would be possible to [[?]] up with it, in time, all your material. There would be far