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10/10/80 BI-FP-1980-RR-118
Reel #4 Finnish Americans
Sound tech Stae [Steve] Green
Logger. 1hit [Kit] Franklin
The Third Generation
Wesley Santa- acordion
Gregg Santa- guitar
Jeanne Doty- fiddle
Leonard Saari- banjo, mandolin
Song Title
1. Polka- Gaustandiri Polka?(Place name in Finland)
2. K Walty
Discussion of Sauna-Leonard, Gregg, + Jeanne
3. Old Men in the Sauna
Vocal- Jeanne, Gregg, Leonard
4. Big Child in the City
Voc- Gregg
5. Polka from the Old Time
6. Walty- about his old girlfriend with blue eyes.
Voc.- Gregg + Jeanne
7. Song about a girl so ugly even the horses laugh at her when they go to the market
Vocal- Gregg + Jeanne
8. Medley of Schoolishe
Dancing- Gregg + Jeanne
9. Love song- symbol of a Flower
Vocal- Gregg
Ceremony presentation of craft items by F-A to the Smithsonian