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Air Policy and ... Public relations

Aviation Clinics

A feature of the NAA programs is the sponsorship of Aviation Clinics - forums for the interchange of views by representatives of all branches of aviation and groups representatives of all branches of aviation and groups representing the general public. Six of the Clinics have been held in recent years - five of them in the legislative halls of state capitol buildings.
Conducted like a unicameral legislature, these assemblies study, debate and vote on Bills of Policy on major aviation problems. Participating are spokesmen for air carriers and airports; manufacturers of aircraft and component; aviation education and press; private flyers and aircraft owners; aviation schools; public and civic groups; state and municipal aviation officials, and various allied aviation interests.
The NAA Clinics give national scope and united strength to "grass roots" aviation interests. And they bring out the nation's best thinking on aviation matters, thus helping to shape air policies that most effectively serve all the aviation needs of our nation


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An Informed Public

The many activities of NAA, its Chapters and Organization Affiliates, do much to marshal the vast power of public opinion in the cause of sound, progressive aviation policies.
"Grass roots" publicity is achieved through speakers, community aviation projects, air youth programs, contests, modeling and soaring, social affairs and variety of special events.
Local Chapters are also identified with the NAA projects that make national news... they enjoy the prestige of participating in a many-faceted program that wins public attention and favor through important events and outstanding leaders in all phases of aviation



In the nation's capital, NAA fosters and supports sound legislation in the broad interests of aviation... also represents these interest in liaison with Government agencies, trade associations and other groups wherever an opportunity appears. 
NAA works with Chapters and Affiliates, too, in providing material and shaping strategy for legislative activities at state and local levels. With the far-flung strength of its Chapters and powerful Organization affiliates, NAA works cooperatively with all aviation interests to assure sound legislation affecting America's civil and military air strength.