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Thousands thrill to the excitement of the National Air Races and other major aviation sporting events each year. Millions read of the recurring challenges to various U.S. and world aviation records. 

It is the job of NAA specialists to supervise, time and record all aviation sporting and record activities in the United States . . . for NAA is the official U.S. representative of the Federation Aeronatique Internationale, rule-making and recording body of the world. Through NAA our nation's aviation attainments are assured world-wide recognition. 

The attractive FAI Pilot Badge, illustrated above, is not only a prized possession; it is often a valuable credential.


The President of the United States, on behalf of the NAA, presents the famous Collier Trophy each year to individuals or organizations for the "greatest achievement in aviation in America, the value of which has been demonstrated by actual use during the preceding year." 

NAA is also custodian and administrator of other important awards that encourage, reward and publicize high achievement in the advancement of aviation. Among them are the Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy and the Frank B. Brewer Trophy (National). 

The Collier Award