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January 4

Mon 1932 - Oh, D. Florence gave me such encouraging news on violin - learning. and R. Clapton praised my 'guest" and how encouraging it was! First day of school - and, contrary to my expectations, there weren't any changes. Herbert has returned to KHS today.[[?KHS?]]

- 19 Mr Price will have tennis the 6th period + I just wont miss such a swell chance to learn and teach one game + get some [[remainder of sentence I cannot decipher?]] - Question: should I drop a period of art to take it?

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Tues. 1932 - Harriet returned today all dolled up. (I wonder if she was excused yesterday?) Old Baboon made me laugh in F. class with his nasal uns, bouquet, and chateau. Fern told us about our editing Garden Island. all excited.

19 In the [[indecipherable]] oratories and Fri, Harrie and Jackalbi [[?]] placed the whole school is mad because Elsie Lew didn't place. Anderson insisted our having the judges vote for Harriet. So, [[indecipherable]], Ruth, and many others have lost nearly all faith in the old lady.