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JANUARY 18 Mon. 1932 - Blue Monday - and what a disappointment greeted me in U.S. History class. The old DHF gave me a "B" for the test - I wonder what my term mark will be. XL gave me "B" for the essay, and promised to give me "A" for French. I went to choir practice tonight. My voice isn't so bad after all! Wed 19 study. I've made (up to Friday) 3 A's & 3 B+'s. not so bad & not so good. The show's in town (since yesterday - I mean the circus. JANUARY 19 Tues. 1932 - E. told me the old DHF had given me a "B" for my term mark - and that spoilt my day. I took a new Eng. test today; XL gave me A- for my essay - the only A, I believe, in the class. 2" Saplings arrived. I tried to write a poem, but couldn't. Thurs 19 Not much - The Hollywood Revue bunk, the Haskins bros with their homemade orchestra - amusing, & Hadji Ali, wonderful - He swallowed kerosene 40 glasses of water, nuts, & took them