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FEBRUARY 2 Tues. 1932- I'm so happy today- I've met two Chinese boys from the U., who are members of the deputation team. Jack Chang (the boo-boo eye) was funny! He wath- yeth, he lithpth. And Daniel Yee [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] looks chummy - Harriet, Wally, & I had an enjoyable informal, personal meeting with those two boys. 19 I've decided on the following program: enter short story "Chrysanthemums," essay "Ode to Pele" and poems, Sonnet to a one-time friend, To Edwin Markham, etc. (Markham's letters to the school - one about me) are framed & have been displayed in the English classes 19 Something about my first semester at the University. I won't be able to remember much but [[looks like sentence is continued on facing page]] FEBRUARY 3 Wed. 1932- Oh boy- did I broke the lens today! Our newspaper class had its picture taken by Senda - And good news! the dear old baboon put the old staff in charge of the special number of Garden Island! Me- a real editor! "Daddy Long Legs" was a swell picture! Fri 19 I shall never forget how I enjoyed the Soph dance. I went with Aleck & Masayo. The lights were deeply shaded, and there were tag dances galore. Masayo proved to a very instructive partner. And did I enjoy it all! I'm beginning to have a bit more confidence in my steps. She said that I wasn't to "jump" as much, & that my steps, turns, were OK. 19 [[looks like this is continued from prev. page]]At least I hope to write in this diary a few of the highlights of my