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Wed. 1932 - We're having the study of plays in English class. I often wonder how in the heck there are so many different things in this world that can be put into plays - well, well, well.

19 My greatest ambition has been realized or rather, will be - Our annual publishers quoted us prices that we can afford. Just think, I, as ed in chief, will turn out an annual that will open a new era in KHS annual publication. I'm starting the era! An annual the school can be proud of!

19 realized what money is. You see, when I was home, money was so easy to obtain & little did


Thurs 1932 - I get the movie ticket this week for writing most news. I don't care much for tickets to Lihue, but somehow each ticket brings me a new thrill. The ticket is a reward for work done - and of course, that brings a thrill.

19 Yesterday I got a letter from Bernard Lee - and what do you suppose! He's coming up, & has asked me to find board for him! Not that I don't want him to come up - but heaven knows I'm simply too busy to bother with another guy - omigosh!

19 I think of saving. But now I have new ideas on the subject. I cannot buy a cone of ice cream