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Fri 1932. Everybody was all a- bustle today. Why? the B.B. boys for the tournament arrived. We had a grand time yelling in the auditorium - In there, Thomas K. announced my winning the poster contest - and did W. etc. look sick - when she's trying for the pearl? Gee, too good eh - I never knew you can draw - etc was what I heard today: I spent much time with my souvenirs tonight - I think my latest hobby will be collecting & mounting photos & snaps. Prepared a million things and snaps of destroyer, bay scene and sailors on St. Nick League. 


Sat. 1932 I had a very grand, magnificent time at the tournament at Lihue - I went with Alex, John, Alice R. & Lucy; enjoyed the ride going, witnessed 2 big games, and went to the pier to see the boys off. We stood in the rain to yell & sing. Gee, these boys were good - especially Soo Bok Kim. Alex is certainly good company. Ju was hsfbu up X bmk X jui ifs and see folks staring. The Hanamaulu boys & Clopton & many others did thus.
19 Story & sketch-"Chrysanthemums" Jamie, 2nd (she was quite disappointed, since Anderson had said that her story was written as a professional would have done) Harriet, 3rd  

19 Poetry - I got all three at first - Jo Ed Markham (this has brought me nothing but good luck) Light 2nd The Cup 3rd -(Clopton didn't like The Cup, saying that it dealt over