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Sun, 1932 Didn't go to church - fell bunk with a headache, but thought of 2 themes for poems. (1) about learning of the heights, and later getting tired of the lessons & walking out "to blow the stars about." (2) about a pansy among tall trees - all bearing the beauty of the forest, though of different dimensional sizes - compare with man and God.

19 Armour & I didn't know about it (Gosh!) But Clopton & the rest grumbled about my being too greedy & so gave Harriet second place. Clopton said that To Pele 
19 is my best prose work so far.
...Annual - we had our HR, group photos taken - they look keen... Ruth, Masako, Lily, Ichiro, Lorraine, and Tom stayed till 5 pm at school Mar 10.

February 29
Mon. 19 L. acted queer today - She showed me a poem she had written - about herself and some false one who has cast her aside for another belle. Said she: "You'll never know why or of what I wrote this." I wonder!