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[[Left side]]

because I needed someone - I [[strikethrough]]ha[[/strike through]] did not think she could take love seriously (L) but found out that she could, and at the same time, that H did not turn out to be as ideal as I had thought. The letter also explained everything else - and I asked her to write me by 1 week if she cares at all for me.


Tues 19. Gee, it was good to see my name in print in the Right word honor roll column! I went to play basketball and had a great time. But the climaxing thing today concerns L. I called on her today for her picture (the [[?]]) and said - the enlargment [enlargement] will be my prized possession at first she was shy about giving it to me but she did. I have just written a lengthy letter to her on the H affair. Told her that I went with H.

[[Right side]]
She assures me shes not jealous in the running down H - just telling me the truth about H. The only thing that didn't look any too sunny in the letter was that she was undecided about really caring for me or not - says "give me some time to decide"

[[blacked out text]]...Practiced my [[Punchinello?]] part tonite at All Saints - Gee - I have a long part! But I like to act! ... L. wrote to me today, saying everything that I could ask for - convinced me that H's character isn't any to good -