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   May 8 '39

My [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] wide morning expresses and summarizes all the mornings of bright sunlight I have known. 

  How utterly stupid & foolish most people are:  Asked whether they have visited the island - "Oh, yesterday I saw Queen Victoria's Face - and it had a crown"  They have seen the caves, Barking Sands & all the damn places marked by Tourist Bureau signs & that's Kauai!

  So few people really see!

  I find myself vigorously defending modern art.  [[strikethough]] Before anyone to [[/strikethrough]]  Even if I don't care for certain artists or schools, it is my duty to defend it [[strikethough]] but before [[/strikethrough]] against those who don't know a damn thing about art lest my criticism gives them more courage to think all modern art is crazy stuff.  They must have a respect for modern art before they even deserve a voice in discussing art.  I wish I didn't have to waste any time on such stupid people - but one must talk to them & be sociable at times. 
The war. - What will happen to art?
  Nounou was hidden in clouds today & the hills were a deep blue.  Who can say anything is constant?  Who should ever make & keep vows based on constancy?  (Rose! does she understand?)  Is nature finally [[striketthrough]] ru [[/strikethrough]] shaping my course of affairs?
  The 4 panels were finished yesterday & today were put up at School.  They taught me:  the downright sordidness and futility of painting to represent: (the 4 hills) I had freedom in painting the cave & sky & soil & enjoyed those parts.  But the hills - sigh! of course, I had to paint them as they are so others can tell "what they are" - give them some dear reality to hinge their perception on - poor folks!

[[continued in left margin]] I know now that my reality & realm lie in the field of emotional experience beyond the "dear physical world" which is heaven to most everyone & which is just stage #1 to me.  Never, I hope, will I mistake #1 for my painting field of expression.