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3 Aug 17
judge. The fair I have been to 8 times and the contemporary Americans who are the most [[?]] are the weakest painters. They say nothing. 
We drove to Fort Bragg on Sat. and I was so sick I couldn't enjoy anything but did get a fine view of Northern shores from ocean view - and did conclude that it wasn't worth it going to Oregon for the mood + phys. aspects [[strike through]]do not[[/strike through]]are the same at Land's End in 57 as 100 miles further north. Very dramatic coast views but for the first time in my life a new beach did not stir me for one realizes that once must know a place first to love it. I feel like a tourist out to capture sights + saw how silly the whole trip was.
How futile to carry in ones heart the surface appearance of places half seen half feel. A strange place holds values only to the degree it relates + intensifies [[strike through]] the [[/strike through]] the love one bears for one's native land. 
Tonight Lowe, Peter, Walt + I [[strike through]]go[[/strike through]] went to Angelo Sottasanti's to see his work and it is good.
He told me of New York, how awful conditions for success + fame are there (a big business, the gallery - sales, build-ups,politics)and of the hundreds of the real artists who paint and are never known. And I said I was glad to be a Hawaiian artist for we do not have so much