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[[3 column table]]
|When Received | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter.|

|October 21st 1867  13 | Columbia Dist of  Asst Comm'r D.C. Clark S. A.  A.A.A.Gen'l | Washington D.C.  October 19th 1867 Communicate to Wm. J. Miles Esq. Forrestville P.O. Prince Geo. Co. Md. enclosing deed of lot of School for freed-men, and directing that it be stamped and recorded, and to notify the Asst. Comm'r when done, also desires that he (Miles) informs the Asst. Comm'r where to send material, the route, and the distance from the city, and hopes that he will be able to secure the heavy lumber (for sills &c) on or near the grounds, and induce the freedpeople themselves to get that portion of the material: The remainder will probably cost $200.00 amount appropriated.. An early reply is desired.  S. Asst. Comm'r |

|October 22" 1867 14 | Chamberlain S.S.  Supt. Barracks | Washington D.C. October 21" 1867 Requests admission to the Freedmens "Home" for Henry Davis aged 83 years, at present stopping at East Capital Barracks - E.B. P-12 |

|October 22" 1867 15 | Carter Thomas (Cold) | Washington D.C. October 18th 1867  Requests that transportation be granted from Thomasville Georgia to Washington C.C. for his wife Lucy Carter and his children  Thomas Carter aged 9 years  Polly Carter aged 8 Years  John Carter aged 6 Years and Sally Carter aged 4 Years  States that he has made arrangements for their comfortable Support at this place (Washington D.C.) but is unable to pay their transportation.  E.B. P-12 |
[[/three columned table]]

[[3 column table]]
|When Received | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter.|

|October 22” 67 16 | Clark S.N. Major A.A.A. Genl. Asst. Commr. D.C. | Washington D.C. October 18th 1867 State that the bearers are a committee appointed on behalf of a league that has been using as a hall for their meetings a, room at Wisewell Barrack request major Vandenburgh Local Supt. D.C. to confer with them in regard to it, and report in writing for the information of the Asst. Commissioner E.B.P.13

|October 22” 67 17 | Clark S.N. Maj.U.S.Vols. A.A.A.Genl. Asst. Commr. D.C. | Washington D.C. October 21” 1867 The Asst. Commr. directs that an estimate of-clothing for gratuitous issue to destitute freedpeople be forwarded to Head Qurs. Asst. Commr as early as practicable.  See L.S. No 9-P-10 F.A-D.

|October 23” 1867 18| Clark S.N. Maj.U.S. Vols   A.A.A.Genl. Asst. Commr. D.C. | Washington D.C. October 21” 1867 Request information as to the number of rooms in the building used for quarter of teachers, agents, and Watchman at East Capital Barracks, and how the same are occupied under the present assignment forwarded (report of S.S. Chamberlain enclosed)

|October 23” 1867 19| Disbrow D.R. Agent Agenda | Washington D.C. October 23” 1867 | Makes application for an increase of salary; states that besides discharging the duties connected with the employment office, has charge of all issues of clothing, under the direction of the Local Supt. D.C.; that he has been acting as clerk and agent with the office Local Supt. since November 1865


Transcription Notes:
It's S N Clark 1867. The "7" looks like a "4", but that is how they made them at that time. Place is Washington, D.C. Name of person is "Wm. J. Miles". Prince Geo. Co. Md. PAGE 2 needs to be done.